In an effort to maintain a professional, inclusive and realistic platform for everyone to roleplay, our server has rules that must be followed. Failure to follow the rules whether in game or in our Discord may result in a warning, a kick, a temporary ban or a permanent ban. We understand that every server has rules which may differ, so it’s very important to understand our specific server rules to avoid unnecessary incidents. If you have any questions about the rules, please reach out to a staff member (using the chain of command) for clarity. If you observe other players breaking a rule, please utilize the /report command (see In Game Commands).
If a director, owner or other staff member gives you permission to do something and another staff member asks you to stop, simply stop. Do not argue. You are more than welcome to open a ticket in Discord.
The most important guidance is to simply use common sense when in server. Be respectful, realistic and have fun. If you have any questions about the rules, please reach out to a staff member or open a ticket in Discord.