Server Rules

In an effort to maintain a professional, inclusive and realistic platform for everyone to roleplay, our server has rules that must be followed. Failure to follow the rules whether in game or in our Discord may result in a warning, a kick, a temporary ban or a permanent ban. We understand that every server has rules which may differ, so it’s very important to understand our specific server rules to avoid unnecessary incidents. If you have any questions about the rules, please reach out to a staff member (using the chain of command) for clarity. If you observe other players breaking a rule, please utilize the /report command (see In Game Commands).

  1. Do not cop bait (ex: speeding past a cop constantly).
  2. Every scene does not have to end with someone dying.  Peaceful RP can be just as interesting.
  3. Do not teleport into other cars or other civilians.
  4. Do not VDM  (vehicle death match), RDM (random death match) or FailRP (Failure to RP a scene).
  5. Do not break character while in the server.  RP every situation to the best of your ability, including voice chat.  Use the /ooc command in chat to speak out of character.
  6. Register your civilian character in CAD.  If your civilian is not registered, you will be arrested as an undocumented immigrant.
  7. Register your vehicle in CAD.  If your vehicle is not registered, it will be treated as stolen, towed and impounded.
  8. If you die, RP it out.  Failure to do so is considered FailRP.
  9. Every police stop doesn’t have to end with a pursuit.
  10. Delete your vehicles when you’re finished using them and before logging out of the server (use the /dv command).
  11. Value your character’s life as if it were your real life.
  12. If you try to steal a car, you must RP it out in chat (ex: (space)/me steals pink Camaro from the Yellow Jack).
  13. Do not spawn police vehicles.  If you steal one (see rule 12), you must RP it out.
  14. Use your weapons realistically (ex: if you are wearing shorts, you wouldn’t be able to pull out a shotgun).
  15. When you are shot, run over or injured, RP it out.  If you die, do not just respawn.  If you RP as injured, use an emote (F3) to lay on the ground.
  16. Drag vehicles are not to be used on the road.  You must tow it to a drag strip.  Do not drive it to the strip.
  17. Drive realistically and obey traffic laws (including speed limits).  If you crash your vehicle, RP it out.
  18. In order to RP with a weapon, you must “buy” the weapon (ex: (space)/me buys pistol).  You must buy your weapons each time you enter the server.
  19. Absolutely no weaponized vehicles are permitted.
  20. Do not interfere with police/medical scenes if you are not involved.
  21. No poaching (attempting to recruit any member of our server to join another server).
  22. A microphone is required to play in our server, however do not “mic spam” (ex: playing music through your microphone, using voice changers, screaming into your microphone).
  23. No organized crime, hitman or animal roleplay unless you receive approval from a staff member with the rank of Director or higher.
  24. Traffic lights within the city limits of Los Santos (Tulsa) are to be treated as stop signs.  County traffic lights (including Paleto and Sandy) are traffic lights.
  25. Impersonation of police, fire or medical is not permitted.
  26. No suicidal roleplay scenarios when anyone is streaming.
  27. Rioting is not permitted, however, peaceful non-violent protests are allowed.
  28. Do not place any statuses, implication or name changes which relate to your desire to become staff with in the server.
  29. During a priority, priority cooldown or peacetime, do not steal cars, kill other civilians or run from police.
  30. The use of discriminatory language (regarding race, sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, age, etc.) will result in a kick or ban from our server.
  31. If a staff member asks you to stop doing something, stop doing it.  If you disagree with what is being asked, please open a ticket.
  32. Because our server has an active FAA, our airfields, airports and air strips are for air traffic only.  They are not racetracks, drag strips or roads.  Please do not drive vehicles on any airfield without prior approval from FAA.
  33. All planes, helicopters and other air vehicles are to be used only by those trained and approved for an FAA license.

If a director, owner or other staff member gives you permission to do something and another staff member asks you to stop, simply stop.  Do not argue.  You are more than welcome to open a ticket in Discord.

The most important guidance is to simply use common sense when in server.  Be respectful, realistic and have fun.  If you have any questions about the rules, please reach out to a staff member or open a ticket in Discord.